+ What the Duck...+

"My name is Daffy
There's no other duck like me
Because I'm so daffy
And the reason I'm daffy
And so gosh-derned riff-raffy
And so screwy and laffy
Is because those hunters won't leave me alone

Oh, why don't they hunt some other animal for a change
So, that I won't have to end up on a kitchen range
But no, duck hunting's all the rage and they won't let me be
And I'm so full of bullets, I'm lit up like a Christmas tree
There's so much I'd like to do if I just had the chance
I'd like to play and romp and even sing and do a dance"

Nyah Is Wearing.. 
{GD} What The Duck Fit (Baby/Kid)
-Snap Back 
-Mesh Cargos 
- Mesh Shirt 

The Essentials.. 
Razor// Fall Out Boy Kicks 
.::H.O.H.:: Curly Hair 

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