RL and my SL family is my #1 priority... I enjoy blogging trust me I just don't have time for it some days. Please be aware that I attempt to catch when you are participating in events or have deadlines but if I am unable to blog... then that is just how it is I am not online 24/7 and if I am online I am most likely being a kid. My hours are late and so it is what it is. I also have multiple stores that I blog for and most of the time I am posting one blog per day... there are some days when I am feeling particularly phashionable and decide to do multiple blogs in one day.. this is very rare and most likely wont happen when you think...

I reserve the right to blog what I like... Meaning if I wouldn't as a customer look at your product and purchase it on my own then it probably wont show up on my blog. If you are a sponsor: I asked to blog for your store because I love it and the items that you create, but that doesn't mean that all of your products are 100% . If you are not a sponsor and requesting that I do one blog for you: I would be honored I love it when stores contact me to blog BUT if I am not a fan of your products I most likely will decline..

I am not your stores spammer... Meaning I will not create blog posts about how your store just moved across a sim or you have a new LM..Or you just remodled... That is nice and all but its not happening you can drop me as a blogger if you like but remember you asked me to blog about your clothes not do work that you should be doing on your own... Don't be lazy or better yet get a CSR... I will however.. if I am already posting a blog with your brand new clothing item make a small note at the bottom to go check out the store because you are doing something special or it looks brand new but that is the extent of that...
I will remove you as a sponsor if I think you are a shady human being... haven't received a product from you to review in a long time. A long time meaning close to a year. I understand rl is important sometimes you get busy and don't even realize that time has passed, I do that myself. But I try and keep my page up to date so I will most likely send you a message before removing your store from my list of sponsors that way we are communicating and on the same page.
Contact me to blog for you!!!!!!
Sl: babygurlnyah resident
**please send a notecard as my IM's get capped.
Email: babygurlnyah@gmail.com
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